Стандарт asme для котлов и сосудов давления

The ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) is an American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standard that regulates the de and construction of boilers and pressure vessels.[1] The document is written and maintained by volunteers chosen for their technical expertise .[2] The ASME works as an accreditation body and entitles independent third parties (such as verification, testing and certification agencies) to inspect and ensure compliance to the BPVC.[3]


The BPVC was created in response to public outcry after several serious explosions in the e of Massachusetts. A fire-tube boiler exploded at the Grover Shoe Factory in Brockton, Massachusetts, on March 20, 1905, which resulted in the deaths of 58 people and injured 150. Then on December 6, 1906, a boiler in the factory of the P.J. Harney Shoe Company exploded in Lynn, Massachusetts. As a result, the e of Massachusetts enacted the first legal code based on ASME’s rules for the construction of steam boilers in 1907.[4][5]

ASME convened the Board of Boiler Rules before it became the ASME Boiler Code Committee which was formed in 1911. This committee put in the form work for the first edition of the ASME Boiler Code – Rules for the Construction of ionary Boilers and for the Allowable Working Pressures, which was issued in 1914 and in 1915.[5]

The first edition of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, known as the 1914 edition, was a 114-page volume.[6][7] It developed over into the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code, which today has over 92,000 copies in use, in over 100 countries around the world.[5] As of March 2011 the document consisted of 16,000 pages in 28 volumes.[7]

After the first edition of the Code, the verifications required by the Code were performed by independent inspectors, which resulted in a wide range of interpretations. Hence in February 1919, the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors was formed.[5]


1880The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is founded
1884First performance test code: Code for the Conduct of Trials of Steam Boilers
1900First revision of an ASME standard, Standard Method of Conducting Steam Boiler Tests
1911Establishment of a committee to propose a Boiler Code
1913New Committee to revise the Boiler Code
1914Issuance of the first Boiler Code
1915Standards for Specifications and Construction of Boilers and Other Containing Vessels in Which High Pressure is Contained
1919National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors formed
1924Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels
1930Test Code of Complete Steam-Electric Power Plants
1956Committee established for ASME Pressure Vessel Code for Nuclear Age
1963Section III (Nuclear Power) of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
1968ASME Nuclear Power Certificate of ization Program commences
1972ASME expands its certification program worldwide; first ASME manufacturer certification issued outside of North America
1978First ASME publication of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee interpretations
1983ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in both conventional and metric units
1989Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code on CD-ROM
1992First ized Inspection Agency accredited
1996Risk technology duced into the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
1997High Pressure Vessel Code
2000C&S Connect (on-line balloting and tracking system) launched for Boiler and_Pressure Vessel Committees
2007ISO TC11 Standard 16528-Boilers and Pressure Vessels , establishing performance requirements for the construction of boilers and pressure vessels and facilitating registration of BPV Codes to this standard
2007High density polyethylene plastic pipe duced into the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Code Case N-755
2009ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee reorganized from one consensus body to ten consensus bodies
2015High density polyethylene plastic pipe incorporated into Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Mandatory Appendix XXVI

Code Sections[edit]


The following is the structure of the 2019 Edition of the BPV Code:[10]

  • ASME BPVC Section I – Rules for Construction of Power Boilers
  • ASME BPVC Section II – Materials
  • Part A – Ferrous Material Specifications
  • Part B – Nonferrous Material Specifications
  • Part C – Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes and Filler ls
  • Part D – Properties (Customary)
  • Part D – Properties (Metric)
  • ASME BPVC Section III – Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components
  • Subsection NCA – General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2
  • Appendices
  • Division 1
  • Subsection NB – Class 1 Components
  • Subsection NC – Class 2 Components
  • Subsection ND – Class 3 Components
  • Subsection NE – Class MC Components
  • Subsection NF – Supports
  • Subsection NG – Core Support Structures
  • Division 2 – Code for Concrete Containments
  • Division 3 – Containment Systems for Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Material
  • Division 5 – High Temperature Reactors
  • ASME BPVC Section IV – Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers
  • ASME BPVC Section V – Nondestructive Examination
  • ASME BPVC Section VI – ed Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers
  • ASME BPVC Section VII – ed Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers
  • ASME BPVC Section VIII – Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
  • Division 1
  • Division 2 – Alternative Rules
  • Division 3 – Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels
  • ASME BPVC Section IX – Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications
  • ASME BPVC Section X – Fiber-Rerced Plastic Pressure Vessels
  • ASME BPVC Section XI – Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components
  • Division 1 – Rules for Inspection and Testing of Components of Light-Water-Cooled Plants
  • Division 2 – Requirements for Reliability and Integrity Management (RIM) Programs for Nuclear Power Plants
  • ASME BPVC Section XII – Rules for the Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks
  • ASME BPVC Code Cases – Boilers and Pressure Vessels


Addenda, which include additions and revisions to the individual Sections of the Code, are issued accordingly for a particular edition of the code up until the next edition.[9] Addenda is no longer in use since Code Edition 2013. It has been replaced by two years edition period.


ASME’s interpretations to submitted technical queries relevant to a particular Section of the Code are issued accordingly. Interpretations are also available through the internet.[11]


Code Cases provide rules that permit the use of materials and alternative methods of construction that are not covered by existing BPVC rules.[12] For those Cases that have been adopted will appear in the appropriate Code Cases book: “Boilers and Pressure Vessels” and “Nuclear Components.”[9]

Codes Cases are usually intended to be incorporated in the Code in a later edition. When it is used, the Code Case specifies mandatory requirements which must be met as it would be with the Code. There are some jurisdictions that do not automatically accept Code Cases.[9]

ASME BPVC Section II – Materials[edit]

The section of the ASME BPVC consists of 4 parts.

Part A – Ferrous Material Specifications

This Part is a supplementary book referenced by other sections of the Code. It provides material specifications for ferrous materials which are suitable for use in the construction of pressure vessels.[13]

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The specifications contained in this Part specify the mechanical properties, heat treatment, heat and product chemical composition and analysis, test specimens, and methodologies of testing. The deation of the specifications start with ‘SA’ and a number which is taken from the ASTM ‘A’ specifications.[13]

Part B – Nonferrous Material Specifications

This Part is a supplementary book referenced by other sections of the Code. It provides material specifications for nonferrous materials which are suitable for use in the construction of pressure vessels.[13]

The specifications contained in this Part specify the mechanical properties, heat treatment, heat and product chemical composition and analysis, test specimens, and methodologies of testing. The deation of the specifications start with ‘SB’ and a number which is taken from the ASTM ‘B’ specifications.[13]

Part C – Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler ls

This Part is a supplementary book referenced by other sections of the Code. It provides mechanical properties, heat treatment, heat and product chemical composition and analysis, test specimens, and methodologies of testing for welding rods, filler ls and electrodes used in the construction of pressure vessels.[13]

The specifications contained in this Part are deated with ‘SFA’ and a number which is taken from the American Welding Society (AWS) specifications.[13]

Part D – Properties (Customary/Metric)

This Part is a supplementary book referenced by other sections of the Code. It provides tables for the de stress values, tensile and yield stress values as well as tables for material properties (Modulus of Elasticity, Coefficient of heat transfer et al.)[13]

ASME BPVC Section III – Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components[edit]

Section III of the ASME Code Address the rules for construction of nuclear facility components and supports. The components and supports covered by section III are intended to be installed in a nuclear power system that serves the purpose of producing and controlling the output of thermal energy from nuclear fuel and those associated systems essential to safety of nuclear power system. Section III provides requirements for new construction of nuclear power system considering mechanical and thermal stresses due to cyclic operation. Deterioration, which may occur in service as result of radiation effects, corrosion, or instability of the material, is typically not addressed.

  • Subsection NCA (General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2)
  • NCA-1000 Scope of Section III
  • NCA-2000 Classification of Components and Supports
  • NCA-3000 Responsibilities and Duties
  • NCA-4000 Quality Assurance
  • NCA-5000 ized Inspection
  • NCA-8000 Certificates, Nameplates, Code Symbol Stamping, and Data Reports
  • NCA-9000 Glossary
  • Division 1- llic Components
  • Subsection NB Class 1 components (Those components that are part of the fluid-retaining pressure boundary of the reactor coolant system. Failure of this pressure boundary would violate the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary)
  • Reactor Pressure Vessel
  • Pressurizer Vessel
  • Steam Generators
  • Reactor Coolant Pumps
  • Reactor Coolant Piping
  • Line Valves
  • Safety Valves
  • Subsection NC Class 2 components (Those components that are not part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, but are important for reactor shutdown, emergency core cooling, post-accident containment heat removal, or post-accident fission product removal)
  • Emergency Core Cooling
  • Post Accident Heat Removal
  • Post Accident Fission Product Removal
  • Includes Vessels, Pumps, Valves, Piping, Storage Tanks, and Supports
  • Subsection ND Class 3 components (Those components that are not part of class 1 or 2 but are important to safety)
  • Cooling Water Systems
  • Auxiliary Feedwater Systems
  • Includes Vessels, Pumps, Valves, Piping, Storage Tanks, and Supports
  • Subsection NE Class MC supports
  • Containment Vessel
  • Penetration Assemblies (Does not include piping, pumps and valves which if passing through the containment must be class 1 or class 2)
  • Subsection NF Supports
  • Plate and Shell Type
  • Linear Type
  • Standar Supports
  • Support Class is the class of the Component Supported
  • Subsection NG Core Support Structures (class CS)
  • Core Support Structures
  • Reactor Vessel Internals
  • Subsection NH Class 1 Components in Elevated Temperature Service (Those components that are used in elevated temperature service)
  • Elevated Temperature Components
  • Service Temperature over 800°F
  • Appendices[14]

ASME BPVC Section V – Nondestructive Examination[edit]

The section of the ASME BPVC contains the requirements for nondestructive examinations which are referred and required by other sections of the Code.[15]

The section also covers the suppliers examination responsibilities, requirements of the ized inspectors (AI) as well as the requirements for the qualification of personnel, inspection and examinations.[15][16]

ASME BPVC Section VIII – Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels[edit]

The section of the ASME BPVC consists of 3 divisions.[17]

ASME Section VIII Division 1[edit]

division covers the mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions and nonmandatory guidance for materials, de, fabrication, inspection and testing, markings and reports, overpressure protection and certification of pressure vessels having an internal or external pressure which exceeds 15 psi (100 kPa).[9]

pressure vessel can be either fired or unfired.[17] The pressure may be from external sources, or by the application of heating from an indirect or direct source, or any combination thereof.[9]

The Division is not numbered in the traditional method (Part 1, Part 2 etc.) but is structured with Subsections and Parts which consist of letters followed by a number. The structure is as follows:[9]

  • Subsection A – General Requirements
  • Part UG – General Requirements for All Methods of Construction and All Materials
  • Materials: UG-4 through to UG-15
  • De: UG-16 through to UG-35
  • Openings and Rercements: UG-36 through to UG-46
  • Braced and Stayed Surfaces: UG-47 through to UG-50
  • Fabrication: UG-75 through to UG-85
  • Inspection and Tests: UG-90 through to UG-103
  • Marking and Reports: UG-115 through to UG-120
  • Overpressure Protection: UG125 through to UG-140
  • Subsection B – Requirements Pertaining to Methods of Fabrication of Pressure Vessels
  • Part UW – Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fabricated by Welding
  • General: UW-1 through to UW-3
  • Materials: UW-5
  • De: UW-8 through to UW-21
  • Fabrication: UW-26 through to UW-42
  • Inspection and Tests: UW-46 through to UW-54
  • Marking and Reports: UW-60
  • Pressure Relief Devices: UW-65
  • Part UF – Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fabricated by Forging
  • General: UF-1
  • Materials: UF-5 through to UF-7
  • De: UF-12 through to UF-25
  • Fabrication: UF-26 through to UF-43
  • Inspection and Tests: UF-45 through to UF-55
  • Marking and Reports: UF-115
  • Pressure Relief Devices: UF-125
  • Part UB – Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fabricated by Brazing
  • General: UB-1 through to UB-3
  • Materials: UB-5 through to UB-7
  • De: UB-9 through to UB-22
  • Fabrication: UB-30 through to UB-37
  • Inspection and Tests: UB-40 through to UB-50
  • Marking and Reports: UB-55
  • Pressure Relief Devices: UB-60
  • Subsection C – Requirements Pertaining to Classes of Materials
  • Part UCS – Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
  • General: UCS-1
  • Materials: UCS-5 through to UCS-12
  • De: UCS-16 through to UCS-57
  • Low Temperature Operation: UCS-65 through to UCS-68

1:* Fabrication: UCS-75 through to UCS-85

  • Inspection and Tests: UCS-90
  • Marking and Reports: UCS-115
  • Pressure Relief Devices: UCS-125
  • Nonmandatory Appendix CS: UCS-150 through to UCS-160
  • Part UNF – Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Nonferrous Materials
  • General: UNF-1 through to UNF-4
  • Materials: UNF-5 through to UNF-15
  • De: UNF-16 through to UNF-65
  • Fabrication: UNF-75 through to UNF-79
  • Inspection and Tests: UNF-90 through to UNF-95
  • Marking and Reports: UNF-115
  • Pressure Relief Devices: UNF-125
  • Appendix NF: Characteristics of the Nonferrous Materials (rmative and Nonmandatory)
  • Part UHA Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of High Alloy Steel
  • General: UHA-1 through to UHA-8
  • Materials: UHA-11 through to UHA-13
  • De: UHA-20 through to UHA-34
  • Fabrication: UHA-40 through to UHA-44
  • Inspection and Tests: UHA-50 through to UHA-52
  • Marking and Reports: UHA-60
  • Pressure Relief Devices: UHA-65
  • Appendix HA: Suggestions on the Selection and Treatment of Austenitic Chromium-Nickel and Ferritic and Martensitic High Chromium Steels (rmative and Nonmandatory)
  • Part UCI – Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Cast Iron
  • General: UCI-1 through to UCI-3
  • Materials: UCI-5 through to UCI-12
  • De: UCI-16 through to UCI-37
  • Fabrication: UCI-75 through to UCI-78
  • Inspection and Tests: UCI-90 through to UCI-101
  • Marking and Reports: UCI-115
  • Pressure Relief Devices: UCI-125
  • Part UCL – Requirements for Welded Pressure Vessels Constructed of Material With Corrosion Resistant Integral Cladding, Weld l Overlay Cladding, or With Applied Linings
  • General: UCL-1 through to UCL-3
  • Materials: UCL-10 through to UCL-12
  • De: UCL-20 through to UCL-27
  • Fabrication: UCL-30 through to UCL-46
  • Inspection and Tests: UCL-50 through to UCL-52
  • Marking and Reports: UCL-55
  • Pressure Relief Devices: UCL-60
  • Part UCD – Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Cast Ductile Iron
  • General: UCD-1 through to UCD-3
  • Materials: UCD-5 through to UCD-12
  • De: UCD-16 through to UCD-37
  • Fabrication: UCD-75 through to UCD-78
  • Inspection and Tests: UCD-90 through to UCD-101
  • Marking and Reports: UCD-115
  • Pressure Relief Devices: UCD-125
  • Part UHT Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Ferritic Steels With Tensile Properties Enhanced by Heat Treatment.
  • General: UHT-1
  • Materials: UHT-5 through to UHT-6
  • De: UHT-16 through to UHT-57
  • Fabrication: UHT-75 through to UHT-86
  • Inspection and Tests: UHT-90
  • Marking and Reports: UHT-115
  • Pressure Relief Devices: UHT-125
  • Part ULW Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fabricated by Layered Construction
  • duction: ULW-1 through to ULW-2
  • Materials: ULW-5
  • De: ULW-16 through to ULW-26
  • Welding: ULW-31 through to ULW-33
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2:* Nondestructive Examination of Welded Joints: ULW-50 through to ULW-57

  • Fabrication: ULW-75 through to ULW-78
  • Inspection and Tests: ULW-90
  • Marking and Reports: ULW-115
  • Pressure Relief Devices: ULW-125
  • Part ULT Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Materials Having Higher Allowable Stresses at Low Temperature
  • General: ULT-1 through to ULT-5
  • De: ULT-16 through to ULT-57
  • Fabrication: ULT-76 through to ULT-86
  • Inspection and Tests: ULT-90 through to ULT-100
  • Marking and Reports: ULT-115
  • Pressure Relief Devices: ULT-125
  • Part UHX – Rules for Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers
  • Part UIG – Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Impregnated Graphite
  • General: UIG-1 through to UIG-3
  • Materials: UIG-5 through to UIG-8
  • De: UIG-22 through to UIG-60
  • Fabrication: UIG-75 through to UIG-84
  • Inspection and Tests: UIG-90 through to UIG-112
  • Marking and Reports: UIG-115 through to UIG-121

3:* Pressure Relief Devices: UIG-125

  • MANDATORY APPENDICES: 1 through to 44

Division 2 – Alternative Rules[edit]

This division covers the mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions and nonmandatory guidance for materials, de, fabrication, inspection and testing, markings and reports, overpressure protection and certification of pressure vessels having an internal or external pressure which exceeds 3000 psi (20700 kPa) but less than 10,000 psi.[18]

The pressure vessel can be either fired or unfired.[17] The pressure may be from external sources, or by the application of heating from an indirect or direct source as a result of a process, or any combination of the two.[18]

The rules contained in this section can be used as an alternative to the minimum requirements specified in Division 1. Generally the Division 2 rules are more onerous than in Division 1 with respect to materials, de and nondestructive examinations but higher de stress intensity values are allowed.[17] Division 2 has also provisions for the use of finite element analysis to determine expected stress in pressure equipment, in addition to the traditional approach of de by formula (Part 5: “De by Analysis requirements”).

Division 3 – Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels[edit]

This division covers the mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions and nonmandatory guidance for materials, de, fabrication, inspection and testing, markings and reports, overpressure protection and certification of pressure vessels having an internal or external pressure which exceeds 10,000 psi (70,000 kPa).[19]

The pressure vessel can be either fired or unfired.[17] The pressure may be from external sources, by the application of heating from an indirect or direct source, process reaction or any combination thereof.[19]

See also[edit]

  • Pressure Equipment Directive
  • List of welding codes
  • EN 13445
  • PD 5500
  • Uniform Mechanical Code
  • Uniform Plumbing Code


  1. ^ Antaki, George A. (2003). Piping and pipeline engineering: de, construction, maintenance, integrity, and repair. Marcel Dekker Inc. ISBN 9780203911150 .
  2. ^ ASME Codes and Standards d February 14, 2010, at the Wayback Machine
  3. ^ Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection According to ASME
  4. ^ Balmer, Robert T (2010). Modern Engineering Thermodynamics. 13.10 Modern Steam Power Plants: Academic Press. p. 864. ISBN 978-0-12-374996-3 .CS1 maint: location ()
  5. ^ a b c d e Varrasi, John (June 2009). “To Protect and Serve – Celebrating 125 Years Of Asme Codes & Standards”. MEMagazine.
  6. ^ Canonico, Domenic A. (February 2000). “The Origins of ASME’s Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code”. MEMagazine.
  7. ^ a b “The History of ASME’s Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code”. ASME. March 2011. Retrieved 24 July 2015.
  8. ^ “Standards and Certification Chronology”. History of ASME Standards. ASME. Retrieved 10 November 2011.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g An International Code – 2010 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels – Division 1. ASME. July 1, 2011.
  10. ^ “BPV Complete Code – 2019”. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – 2019 Edition. ASME. Retrieved July 8, 2019.
  11. ^ “Codes & Standards Interpretations On-Line”. Codes and Standards Electronic Tools. ASME International. Retrieved 10 November 2011.
  12. ^ “Code Cases of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code”. ASME. d from the original on 18 July 2012. Retrieved 7 November 2011.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g “II. Materials”. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – 2010 Edition. ASME. d from the original on 10 October 2011. Retrieved 9 November 2011.
  14. ^ §
  15. ^ a b “V. Nondestructive Examinations”. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – 2010 Edition. ASME. Retrieved 9 November 2011.
  16. ^ §§§§
  17. ^ a b c d e “VIII. Pressure Vessels – Division 1”. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – 2010 Edition. ASME. Retrieved 9 November 2011.
  18. ^ a b An International Code – 2010 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels – Division 2: Alternative Rules. ASME. July 1, 2011.
  19. ^ a b An International Code – 2010 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels – Division 3: Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels. ASME. July 1, 2011.

This article needs to be upd. Please up this article to reflect recent events or newly available rmation. (December 2020)



С учетом того, что современная индустрия развиваются очень быстро, необходимость в международной стандартизации очевидна.

Результатом деятельности научно-технических обществ, которые учувствуют в глобальной стандартизации, являются:

  • международный стандарт – документ, в котором прописаны основные характеристики продукции, правила эксплуатации, хранения, транспортировки, реализации и утилизации, а также зафиксированы требования к терминологии, упаковке, маркировке или правила нанесения этикеток. Международными стандартами принято считать также и стандартные спецификации, которые разрабатываются научно-техническими сообществами.
  • стандарт научно-технического сообщества – документ, утвержденный обществом инженеров-механиков, обществом специалистов по испытаниям и материалам или другими научно-техническим сообществом, и принятый в качестве норм в различных странах мира.
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Примечательно, что международные стандарты не имеют статуса обязательных – страны сами решают применять их или нет, все зависит от уровня их вовлеченности и состояния внешней торговли определенной страны.

Стать участником международной стандартизации может соответствующий орган или заинтересованный специалист любой страны.

Одной из ведущих стран, участвующих в стандартизации и ее популяризации, является США, а крупнейшими разработчиками стандартов выступают два сообщества – инженеры-механики и специалисты по испытаниям и материалам.

Стандарты ASTM: общие положения

ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials) или Американское общество по испытаниям и материалам – некоммерческая организация по разработке добровольных (принимаются консенсусом) стандартов для материалов, услуг, продукции и систем. Начала свою деятельность в 1898 году и изначально занималась разработкой спецификаций для железнодорожной отрасли.

Сейчас же количество стандартов ASTM перешагнуло за 12000, из них 5000 стандартов приняты и используются за пределами страны. Более 60 стран приняли стандарты ASTM за основу для разработки своих нормативов. Перепроверяются и переиздаются все стандарты общества по испытаниям и материалам не реже одного раза в 5 лет. Примечательно, что членство в организации может получить каждый заинтересованный в этом человек. На сегодняшний день ASTM International насчитывает более 30 тысяч экспертов, представляющих научные, технические, правительственные общества из более 100 стран мира.

Результатами работы общества пользуются многие отрасли современной индустрии: металлургия, энергетика, компьютерные системы, нефтепродукты, строительство, медицина, экологическая безопасность и т.д. И это при том, что применение стандартов ASTM абсолютно добровольно.

Разрабатывают стандартные спецификации ASTM 130 специальных комитетов, которые проводят испытания по определенным группам:

  • ASTM A – стандарты на черные металлы;
  • ASTM B – стандарты на цветные металлы;
  • ASTM C – стандарты на цементирующие и керамические материалы, бетон и материалы для каменной кладки;
  • ASTM D – стандарты на различные материалы (нефтепродукты, смазки, уголь, кокс, вода, пластмасса, текстиль, кожа, катализаторы, геосинтетика, резина, утилизация отходов, качество воздуха и пр.);
  • ASTM E – стандарты на группу разной продукции (химия металлов и руд, металлография, неразрушающие испытания, усталость, визуальные характеристики, стандарты пожаробезопасности, измерения температуры, механические испытания, анализ поверхностей, нанотехнологии и пр.);
  • ASTM F – стандарты на материалы для особых областей применения;
  • ASTM G – коррозия, износ и разрушение металлов.

ASTM стандарты регламентируют химический состав, механические, физические и электрические свойства материалов, виды обработки, способы изготовления, методы испытаний и тестирований, а также полный перечень всех требований к металлопрокату (размеры, формы, резьба, конструкция и т.д.).

Например, стандарт ASTM A193/ A193M* на болтовые крепления из нержавеющей и легированной стали, предназначенных для работы в условиях высокой температуры и высокого давления, арматуры, фланцев и фитингов, предназначенных для работы в условиях высокой температуры и высокого давления. В стандарте указаны химический состав каждого сплава, рассматриваются свойства прочности при растяжении и твердости. Указано, что ферритные стали должны быть термообработаны, а материалы для болтовых креплений, после прокатки и ковки, должны быть охлаждены до температуры ниже интервала превращений.

Стандарты ASME: общие положения

ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) или Американское общество инженеров-механиков – некоммерческая организация, занимающаяся решениями проблем обучения в инженерной и технологической области. Начала свою деятельность в 1880 году и изначально была нацелена на развитие искусства, науки и машиностроения. Сейчас в сообществе состоят более 130 тысяч представителей из разных стран мира: производители компонентов и материалов, инженеры, проектировщики, оценщики, потребители и т.д.

Общество выпускает специализированную техническую литературу (книги, журналы), проводит более 30 международных конференций и организовывает около 200 профессиональных курсов ежегодно. ASME выпустили порядка 600 добровольных стандартов (принимаются консенсусом), которые признаются и используются в более 113 странах. На сегодняшний день ASME – это самая крупная мировая организация по издательству и распространению инженерных и технологических стандартов.

Самыми известными стандартами общества инженеров-механиков можно назвать стандарты на котлы и сосуды под давлением – ASME BPVC. Обновление этих стандартов происходит раз в два года.

Деятельность общества инженеров-механиков охватывает многие промышленные отрасли:

  • ядерная – стандарты на краны;
  • конструкторские чертежи – стандарты на размеры и допуски, буквенные и символические обозначения, чертежи с несколькими сечениями и иллюстрациями, чертежи поковок, пружин и пр.;
  • оборудование – стандарты на винтовую резьбу, клапаны, фланцы, прокладки и пр.;
  • гидравлика – стандарты на характеристики горизонтальных торцевых и центробежных, линейных вертикальных насосов с торцевым всасыванием без уплотнений;
  • нефтяная промышленность – стандарты на сосуды под давлением, трубную резьбу, клапаны, фланцы, фитинги, пригодность для технического обслуживания (сотрудничество с API) и пр.;
  • сантехнические системы – стандарты на системы канализации, системы учета расхода воды, водосточные кровельные системы и пр.;
  • безопасность – стандарты по безопасности лифтового оборудования, эскалаторов, автопогрузчиков, конвейеров и пр.

Кроме того, стандарты ASME применяются в автомобилестроении, энергетике, металлургии (фитинги и сварочные элементы), системах измерений, системах охраны машин и пр.

В общем, требования ASME стандартов распространяются на конструкции, производство, геометрические параметры, допустимый химический состав материала для изготовления, физико-механически свойства, эксплуатационные характеристики, условия эксплуатации (температурный режим, давление), правила техники безопасности при работе с оборудованием, установке, контролю и т.д.

Например, стандарт ASME B16.5 регламентирует номинальный уровень температура/давление, размеры, предельные допуски, маркировку, типы испытаний и методы обозначения и размещения отверстий для определенных типов фланцев и фланцевых фитингов. Также данный стандарт включает требования к болтам для фланцев, прокладкам и соединениям.

Отличие стандартов ASTM и ASME

Порой стандарты ASTM и ASME принимают за один и тот же нормативный документ, но это не совсем верно. Исходя из вышесказанного, можно сделать вывод, что ASTM регламентируют химический состав стали, механические, физические и электрические свойства материала, методы испытаний и полный перечень всех требований к металлопрокату: размер, форму и пр. А стандарты ASME делают больший упор именно на продукт и его практическое применение, например, ASME B16.5 устанавливает рабочее давление при определенной температуре для фланцев по стандарту ASTM. Стандарты ASME основаны на данных, опубликованных в стандартах ASTM, AWS и других международных стандартизациях.

Что касается обозначения стандартной спецификации, когда указаны и ASTM, и ASME – здесь стоит помнить, что между утвержденными стандартами иногда бывает разрыв в 5-7 лет. Это может спровоцировать небольшие несоответствия между стандартами, поэтому принято общее обозначение ASTM/ASME A/SA.

Например, ASTM A312 / A312M (ASME SA 312 / SA 312M) – стандартные спецификации на бесшовные, сварные и прошедшие интенсивную холодную обработку трубы из аустенитной нержавеющей стали, предназначенных для эксплуатации в высокотемпературных и коррозионных условиях. Префикс А перед номером стандарта ASTM свидетельствует о том, что стандарт идет на черные металлы, а префикс S перед A в стандарте ASME указывает на стандарт ASTM, на технические данные которого стоит ориентироваться.

Стандарты с индексом SA могут содержат ряд дополнений или изменений. В данном примере, ASME SA 312 идентичен техническим условиям ASTM A312 за исключением удаленного пункта 5.2 и измененного пункта 6.2 с требованиями к термообработке марок Н – для этих марок трубы должны повторно нагреваться до установленной температуры обработки на твердый раствор с требуемой выдержкой до закалки. Также в стандарте ASME SA 312 внесены изменения для пункта 7.1 – содержание Cr и Ni в химическом составе стали UNS S31002.

Более подробно изучить стандарты ASTM на русском языке и ASME на русском языке вы можете на нашем сайте в разделе «Энциклопедия. Стандарты».

М* – означает, что в стандарте приведена метрическая система исчисления.
